DMovies - Your platform for thought-provoking cinema
Below is a continuously growing list of dirty professionals. They are either contributors of DMovies or cinema people with a twist to their work. If you want to join it, just e-mail us at and tell us how dirty you are.

Lida Bach

German writer who lost all of her illusions [Read More...]

Nairon Santos de Morais

Writer and filmmaker
German-Brazilian film professional passionate about horror and queer issues [Read More...]

Fabio Rocha

Filmmaker and researcher
Brazilian writer and helmer, passionate about memory, political cinema, experimentation and critical storytelling [Read More...]

Marina Richter

Belgrade-born and Vienna based film critic, consultant and publisher [Read More...]

Andre Vital Pardue

Writer and aspiring filmmaker
Brazilian-American writer based in Denmark and addicted to slow cinema [Read More...]

Dr. Marcela Pizarro Coloma

Journalist and lecturer
London-based journalist and media lecturer with a strong focus on the Middle East and Latin America [Read More...]

Nataliia Serebriakova

Film critic
Ukranian born and Berlin-based film critic who fell in love with Andrzej Zulawski [Read More...]

Susanne Gottlieb

Film journalist
Vienna-based film writer with vast experience in Austrian and European publication, and archiving [Read More...]

Joshua Polanski

American film and culture writer with a keen interest in filmmaking technique [Read More...]

Daniel Theophanous

Film critic
British Cypriot freelance film critic and writer based in London. [Read More...]

Joshua Bogatin

Film critic
New York writer and filmmaker, publishing on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean [Read More...]

Duda Leite

Brazilian journalist and filmmaker festival hopping for more than a quarter of a century [Read More...]

Nick Kouhi

Premature cinephile passionate about both film and the written word, and specialised in Iranian cinema [Read More...]

David Villalmanzo

Spanish film critic whop believes John Ford is the greatest filmmaker of all time [Read More...]

Daniel L. Mattock

Leicester-based writer with a penchant for East Asian and cult cinema [Read More...]

Dimitris Passas

Greek film-lover with a background in sociology, Heraclitus and Nietzsche [Read More...]

Louis Roberts

Film and literature lover with a particular interest in Bertolucci, Linklater, Lumet and Sciamma [Read More...]

Isy Santini

Cult film addict and horror aficionado [Read More...]

Chris Simpson

A multi-disciplined writer who, when not writing reviews, writes literary and crime fiction. [Read More...]

Gaelle Biguenet

Bergman-loving French writer based in London [Read More...]

Laney Gibbons

Film graduate and lonely movie-goer seeking new indie cinema [Read More...]

Svetlana Pinet

Film lover
This neuroscientist by day works as a voracious reader and moviegoer by night. [Read More...]

Tremayne Miller

Writer, actress and singer
Professional writer who thrives on challenge, injecting a fresh and global perspective into everything to which she puts pen and paper [Read More...]

Liván García-Duquesne

Writer and filmmaker
French-Spanish journalist and filmmaker based in London, with an interest in trauma, Solanas and Deleuze [Read More...]

John McDonald

Liverpool-based writer and activist for going to the cinema on your own. [Read More...]

Nathan Sartain

A multi-skilled writer covering film, television, music and football [Read More...]

Amhara Chamberlayne

British-French writer interested in blockbusters that combine spectacle with an arthouse sensibility [Read More...]

John Bleasdale

Film critic
Prolific writer and podcaster based in Italy [Read More...]

Justin Khoo

Professor of philosophy
Working at the intersection of philosophy and linguistics, this academic also has a passion for film [Read More...]

Dan Meier

London-based journalist, critic and film obsessive who loves horror movies [Read More...]

Agnieszka Piotrowska

Professor of Film and Cultural Studies
Polish born and London-based filmmaker, writer and academic specialised in psychoanalysis, applied philosophy and film [Read More...]

Arun A. K.

Corporate Communications professional in Mumbai by the day tries to sneak in time at the workplace to write about movies. [Read More...]

Jenny Fraser

Australian Indigenous artist working within a fluid screen-based practice
Filmmaker [Read More...]

Charles Williams

Postdoctoral bioscientist by day, media journalist also by day. Clocking off at 5. Basque-based Brit. [Read More...]

Victoria Luxford

Critic and broadcaster
London writer with an affinity for queer cinema and American indies [Read More...]

David Stewart

Writer and teacher
Professor of film studies in New England [Read More...]

Ian Schultz

A sharp scribe who loves cinema of all sorts, particularly Terry Gilliam [Read More...]

Dan Daniel

Award-winning writer and director for theatre and film [Read More...]

Anton Bitel

Australian writer with a passion for horror, arthouse, the avant-garde and Asian cinema [Read More...]

Truls Rostrup

Norwegian writer based in London [Read More...]

Daniel Luis Ennab

Writer and filmmaker
American writer and filmmaker seeking voices beyond the mainstream [Read More...]

Lara C. Cory

Film and music writer
Fan of Jim Jarmusch, Peter Strickland and horror movies [Read More...]

Jack Hawkins

Film and history writer
London writer with a keen interest in New Hollywood auteurs [Read More...]

Patricia Cook

Researcher and writer
Scottish film expert has an eclectic taste and holds a PhD in early cinema exhibition [Read More...]

Madelaine Byford

Film-lover and professional with a taste for Wes Anderson and absurdist humour [Read More...]

Jules Arita Koostachin

Canadian Cree Native filmmaker has extensive knowledge working with Indigenous communities [Read More...]

Fiona Whitelaw

Writer and actress
A voice for those whose stories are seldom told [Read More...]

Fedor Tot

Movie critic and magazine editor
Yugonostalgic writer and artist based in Cardiff dislikes nationalism and loves to hate Jean-Luc Godard [Read More...]

Sidney Berthier

Young and trailblazing French-Australian helmer now based in London [Read More...]

Lorna May

Actress and cinephile
Pan-European dirty girl loves to pretend, and she devours films like a pack of Doritos [Read More...]

Ben Flanagan

Critic and podcaster
This Bristol writer has a taste for dirt in mainstream cinema, lovers-on-the-run movies and poetic realism! [Read More...]

Jake Sanders

A young Brit in search of the perfect anti-hero [Read More...]

Charlie Jones

Poet, playwright, and screenwriter
Meet one of our prolific readers who loves to say a thing or two about our reviews and articles [Read More...]

Redmond Bacon

British flâneur based in Berlin watching multiple films a day! [Read More...]

Eoghan Lyng

Irish born, Glasgow-based writer with a penchant for the cinematic and an eye for the viperous [Read More...]

Richard Greenhill

Writer, English teacher and sex researcher
A Londoner with a love for Polish cinema and a dislike for genre and Oscar frontrunners [Read More...]

Linda Marric

Journalist and interviewer
Linda is a very passionate and opinionated writer with a taste for innovative and groundbreaking sci-fi [Read More...]

Julia Spatuzzi Felmanas

Our favourite dirty moviegoer
Film lovers, critics and professionals have a thing or two to learn from this gimlet-eyed cinemagoer with a critical mind and a very sharp pen [Read More...]

Andrei Koscina

This man wants to deep dive into your complex psychology and explore your multilayered personality [Read More...]

Alasdair Bayman

Film Critic
Manchester writer with a penchant for Italian cinema and passion for the dirtiest Queen of cinema [Read More...]

Lucas Pistilli

Film Journalist
Straight from the heart of the Amazon to Europe, this dirty writer has a penchant for the challenging and the reviled [Read More...]

Philip Brocklehurst

Writer and Filmmaker
Meet a young man who loves creating dirty visual arts that astound, captivate and move audiences [Read More...]

Abou Farman

Producer and writer
Meet the producer of the arresting Icaros: A Vision [Read More...]

Francesco Bacci

Journalist and translator
An Italian writer dreaming away his life in cinema in the British capital [Read More...]

Steve Naish

Meet the man who has deconstructed Dirty Dancing, Dennis Hopper and much more [Read More...]

Jeremy Clarke

With more than three decades of writing experience, Jeremy will take you on a fascinating tour of cinema reclaiming the dirtiest treasures from all corners of the world [Read More...]

Pedro Miguel

Multimedia Artist, Filmmaker and Writer
How do you blend Portuguese nostalgia with queer expression? Pedro has just the answer for you [Read More...]

Valnei Nunes

Meet the dirty eye behind our vids as well as our first feature film [Read More...]

Alan McKenna

Writer and Actor
Walking down a dark road and taking people to the arms of Morpheus [Read More...]

Angelo Boccato

Journalist and Blogger
From the Caribbean to Europe, this blogger has a keen interest in human rights and geopolitics [Read More...]

Mara Martinoli

Festival Programmer and Curator
The girl bringing intense flavours of Italy to Germany [Read More...]

Lina Samoili

Writer and Researcher
From the Balkans to London and Latin America: a passion for politics and aesthetic innovations [Read More...]

Art Haxhijakupi

Artist and Writer
Rediscovering and reinventing Kosovo through academia, cinema and the arts [Read More...]

Gregorio Graziosi

Recording the incessant buzzing of human endurance [Read More...]

Jonathan Wakeham

Film Festival Co-Founder and Programmer
Providing the trampoline and the training to comedy artists in the film industry [Read More...]

André Wallström

Film Producer
Placing LGBTI rights in Africa at the forefront of human rights [Read More...]

Ben Charles Edwards

Filmmaker and Photographer
The director of 'Set the Thames on Fire' finds beauty in aesthetic and geometric accuracy [Read More...]

Filippo Polesel

Festival Programmer and Film Producer
Serving short films to Londoners straight from the tap [Read More...]

Colm Forde

Festival Director and Programmer
Blasting the speakers and rocking the movie theatre [Read More...]

Franco Bocca Gelsi

Film Producer and Script Analyst
Lending a camera and a voice to emerging auteurs [Read More...]

Kate Dickie

The female body speaks without uttering a word [Read More...]

Jayan Cherian

Fimmaker and Poet
Challenging body fascism and profound social conservatism in India [Read More...]

Paul Risker

Film Critic and Editor
An eccentric outsider and tea enthusiast toiling as an independent scholar, film critic and editor [Read More...]

Regiana Queiroz

Examining the psychology of the killer instinct [Read More...]

Ben Woodiwiss

Writer and Filmmaker
Questioning the rigid modes of filmmaking [Read More...]

Takumã Kuikuro

The native Brazilian Indian who turned London into a tribe [Read More...]

Álex Anwandter

Filmmaker and Musician
Beating intolerance out of the heart of Latin America [Read More...]

Miguel Domingo-Redondo

Video Artist and Animator
Creating a sharp and raw feeling of instability [Read More...]

Jacopo Quadri

Editor and Director
Setting fire to the vast Italian sea of cinema [Read More...]

Fernando Alves Pinto

Actor and Musician
Waking up to the sound of cinema [Read More...]

Andrew Knoll

Actor and Scriptwriter
Capturing the essence of moving pictures through choreography [Read More...]

Yves Heck

Working towards better things to come in France [Read More...]

Daniel Sanchez Lopez

Jump cutting borders and boundaries [Read More...]

Tiago Di Mauro

Filmmaker and Curator
Foregrounding the cinema apparatus through event curating [Read More...]

Ronni Thomas

Unveiling the world of the eccentric: stuffed animals, the anomalous and the truly unique [Read More...]

Vittorio Moroni

Filmmaker and Screenwriter
In the deep end of love and immigration [Read More...]

Bruno Safadi

Entering the metropolis and the entranced mind [Read More...]

Richard Heslop

Filmmaker and Editor
A frank film veteran with a futurist vision [Read More...]

Boris Gerrets

Filmmaker and Writer
Bridging the gap between harsh reality and film fiction [Read More...]

Daniel Florêncio

Chasing truths and exposing reality with a camera [Read More...]

Priscilla Davanzo

Filmmaker and Body Artist
The female body on both sides of the camera [Read More...]

Petra von Kant

Filmmaker and Writer
A German-Brazilian diva with a biting tongue [Read More...]

Almiro Andrade

Actor and Writer
Life is more dramatic than a soap opera [Read More...]

Lobo Pasolini

Journalist and Writer
Capturing the dirty essence of art on video, paper and the web [Read More...]

Maysa Monção

Journalist and Writer
A bookish cinephile with a sharp eye for detail and a nose for new talent [Read More...]

Victor Fraga

Journalist and filmmaker
Founder and editor of DMovies [Read More...]

Jonathan Barnett

Film Festival Director
opening cinema doors to independent filmmakers [Read More...]

Fabien Martorell

Shooting with a camera, shooting with a weapon [Read More...]

Marcantonio Lunardi

Exploring the boundaries of public space and the limits of power [Read More...]