Justin Khoo
Working at the intersection of philosophy and linguistics, this academic also has a passion for film
Justin is an associate professor of philosophy at MIT. Before coming to MIT, he did his graduate work in philosophy at Yale, and was an undergraduate at UC-Davis.
He works in philosophy of language and philosophical logic, on topics that lie at the intersection of philosophy and linguistics. He also has research interests in metaphysics, meta-ethics, and social and political philosophy. Those curious to learn more about his work may want to check out his interview with 3:AM magazine.
He is an Associate Editor of Linguistics and Philosophy, and the Logic & Language Section Editor for Philosophy Compass. Outside of philosophy, he watches movies and discuss them on a podcast, Cows in the Field.
Other posts by Justin Khoo
Matrix Resurrections
Justin Khoo feels let down by the fourth instalment of the Matrix Franchise, a movie that by its own admission "shouldn’t exist" - in cinemas now; also on premium VoD on Monday, January 24th
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The Year of the Everlasting Storm
Anthology movie about the pandemic was created by seven magnificent filmmakers and exudes both joy and pain, while also inviting viewers to reflect about their own lives
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Second Thoughts (Ich Ich Ich)
A failed marriage proposal stunt unleashes a number of unexpected events on a young German couple, in this exquisite debut feature - from the Raindance Film Festival
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Taiwanese drama morphs from deceptively simple teen melodrama into something far more complex - from the Toronto International Film Festival
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Are You Lonesome Tonight?
Exquisite Chinese tale of desperation starts off as an impossible urban romance before morphing into a thriller - Shipei Wen's debut premieres at Cannes
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Confront YOUR incoherence!!!
"Britain's most violent prisoner" is strangely seductive because he enables us to rid ourselves from the confines of ethics, thereby embracing the absurd and the incoherent - Justin Khoo analyses the biopic of Charles Bronson
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