DMovies - Your platform for thought-provoking cinema
Below is a continuously growing list of dirty professionals. They are either contributors of DMovies or cinema people with a twist to their work. If you want to join it, just e-mail us at and tell us how dirty you are.

Patricia Cook

Researcher and writer
Scottish film expert has an eclectic taste and holds a PhD in early cinema exhibition [Read More...]

Philip Brocklehurst

Writer and Filmmaker
Meet a young man who loves creating dirty visual arts that astound, captivate and move audiences [Read More...]

Pedro Miguel

Multimedia Artist, Filmmaker and Writer
How do you blend Portuguese nostalgia with queer expression? Pedro has just the answer for you [Read More...]

Paul Risker

Film Critic and Editor
An eccentric outsider and tea enthusiast toiling as an independent scholar, film critic and editor [Read More...]

Priscilla Davanzo

Filmmaker and Body Artist
The female body on both sides of the camera [Read More...]

Petra von Kant

Filmmaker and Writer
A German-Brazilian diva with a biting tongue [Read More...]