DMovies - Your platform for thought-provoking cinema

Art Haxhijakupi

Artist and Writer

Rediscovering and reinventing Kosovo through academia, cinema and the arts

Art Haxhijakupi is a Kosovo-born artist and writer, he holds a master’s degree in Cultural Studies. Art is mainly interested in the film, politics, pop culture, and cultural memory.

In 2017, he produced his first film Recollection, which premiered at Dokufest International Film Festival in Kosovo. This 40-minute featurette combines a vast spectrum of archive material from the 1990s: from footage of national pop singers to videotapes depicting his family circle and his own childhood.

Haxhijakupi is a contributor at DMovies. He writes reviews, articles and is also developing our business portfolio in Eastern Europe. He is looking out for stories that relate to the memory of Kosovo and other post-war societies, particularly those that recreate the traumatic experiences in his homeland in the 1990s.

Get in touch with Haxhijakupi right now via e-mail if you have any dirty suggestions for films and events in the Balkans or Eastern Europe.

Other posts by Art Haxhijakupi
The Marriage (Martesa)
The forbidden fruit from the Balkans! First Kosovan film to display a graphic gay sex scene deals with a diehard taboo, and sadly "one of the few things capable of uniting Albanians and Serbians" - the movie was sold-out for two weeks in Prishtina, and is now show and the Cambridge Film Festival [Read More...]

Taste of Cement
The life of Syrians refugees in Lebanon isn't savoury at all, but dry and chalky instead; our writer Art Haxhijakupi, once a war refugee himself, writes about the film opening the Open City Docs Fest in London [Read More...]

One Man and his Cow (La Vache)
MOOO-ving tale of a man and his bovine: Algerian peasant takes his much-adored animal to an agricultural competition in Paris, and the culture clash becomes immediately evident - now on all major VoD platforms [Read More...]

Avanti Popolo
Drink, laugh, struggle and cry as Israeli and Arab soldiers strike an impossible friendship - the 26th Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival rescues one of the most important Israeli anti-war classics of all times [Read More...]

Just a little bit of tragic history repeating: rotoscope animation doc about the 1966 Charles Whitman massacre in Texas comes out at a time when Germany is healing from a remarkably similar event [Read More...]

The hills of Kosovo are alive with cinema
See the new face of Kosovo in the charming medieval town of Prizren, as one of the most important documentary film festivals in Europe hits the fast-changing nation in the Balkans; Dokufest starts this Friday [Read More...]

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