DMovies - Your platform for thought-provoking cinema

Richard Greenhill

Writer, English teacher and sex researcher

A Londoner with a love for Polish cinema and a dislike for genre and Oscar frontrunners

Richard Greenhill started out in London many moons ago on a journey that has led him through a handful of northern universities, across a few fleeting stints teaching English and, most recently, into vaping and sex research. Throughout that journey, his dirty eyes have maintained a keen cinematic focus.

From childhood obsessions with the sorcerer’s apprentice in Fantasia (Walt Disney, 1940) to teenage Trainspotting (Danny Boyle, 1996) transgressions at the worst toilet in Scotland via wonderment at Satoshi Kon’s masterful animated frames in Perfect Blue (1987), Richard continues to find solace and stimulation in the subversive screen.

He’s lived in Germany, The Netherlands and Poland, and spent recent years travelling through Central and Eastern Europe, Sri Lanka and Japan. These cross-cultural experiences have informed Richard’s film viewing habits, as well as influencing his open-minded worldview. He has a dislike of Oscar frontrunners that masquerade as critiques of genre, while actually perpetuating toxic masculinity (Manchester by the Sea, anyone?).

He has an ever-developing love of Polish cinema, from communist-era classics to the ground-breaking animation school and recent new wave of post-89 directors. In his spare time, Richard can be found at film festivals, both as a viewer and a volunteer. He is currently a freelance writer and gladly writes about film with passion.

Get in touch with Richard on his email

Other posts by Richard Greenhill
For Some Inexplicable Reason (Van Valami Furcsa Es Megmagyarázhatatlan)
Hungarian film reminiscent of Michel Gondry deals with the existential realities of youth, and it's also infused with political flavours and a heartfelt tribute to Budapest - available in December with ArteKino [Read More...]

Mad To Be Normal
Thinking outside the box... and all over the place! Biopic of radical British psychiatrist RD Laing is as disjointed as the doctor's disordered thinking, if supported by very strong performances - available for digital streaming on Monday, August 13th [Read More...]

Summer 1993 (Estiu 1993)
Death through the eyes of a child: Splendid autobiographical drama investigates grief and confusion of six-year-old Spanish girl who lost her mother to Aids - on Mubi on Thursday, January 5th [Read More...]

The Butterfly Tree
Aussie fantasy drama is an intoxicating cocktail of surrealism and adolescent imagination, shot with music video sensibilities on a surprisingly low budget - in cinemas Friday, July 13th [Read More...]

Mellow Mud (Es Esmu Seit)
Be careful not to sink! Coming-of-age tale set in rural Latvia tackles the issues of economic emigration, the ruthlessness of free market, abandonment and emergent sexuality - streaming now with DMovies [Read More...]

The Island and the Whales
Barbaric killers or noble fishermen? Doc investigates ancient whale hunting tradition in the Faroe Islands, which raises a few eyebrows amongst animal rights campaigners - in cinemas March 29th. [Read More...]

I Got Life! (Aurore)
Because I'm bloody worth it! French film about a woman in her 50s experiencing menopause is unabashed in its physical frankness and very moving in its representation of femininity - now available on VoD [Read More...]

The Key to Dalí  (La Llave Dalí)
Just how much is this Dali worth? Spanish doc examining how a real Dali was sold for just £132 is a very timely critique of truth, expertise and elitism - on Vod March 5th as part of the Walk This Way Collection [Read More...]

This Beautiful Fantastic
Not so crazy about it... This British Amélie Poulain wannabe is set in posh North London, but it lacks originality and its depiction of mental health illness is borderline offensive - on VoD March 5th [Read More...]

Oscar baiting can kill!!!
Just like a fisherman using a bait in order to catch their prey, Oscar-baiting can also have fatal consequences; Richard Greenhill looks at five films that fell victim to this cruel yet vital practice! [Read More...]

Darkest Hour
War drama about Churchill's rise to power and crucial decision whether collude with the Germans has an spectacularly boring screenplay, plus it's infested with tub-thumping nationalism - on Netflix on Tuesday, August 16th; also available on other platforms [Read More...]

Mountains May Depart
Between the sword and the Great Wall: compelling melodrama shines a pertinent light on the everyday experiences of China, and the constant struggle between tradition and modernity - on Arrow Player on Friday, April 9th [Read More...]

Frost (Šerkšnas)
Lithuanian auteur delivers another masterpiece driven by deafening silence, while also making a meaningful meditation on the moral dilemma of war - watch it now on ArteKino [Read More...]

The Fastest (Najlepszy)
Doctor Jerky and Mr Hyde: biopic of Jerzy Gorski, one-time heroin addict from Poland who beat the odds and became Double Ironman World Champion sadly lacks subtlety and audacity - in selected cinemas [Read More...]

The Unseen
British horror movie about bereavement of a child and the strange and jarring ways in which grief can manifest itself has interesting prerogative but also quite a few flaws - in cinemas Friday [Read More...]

Marketed as "the world's first selfie movie", could this innovative and low budget British film be the 21st century's answer to Lars von Trier's and Thomas Vinterberg's Dogme 95? In cinemas Friday [Read More...]

Freedom For The Wolf
Not as free as they seem! Countries around the globe appear to be shifting from Western-guided democracies into democratic illiberalism, in debut feature by Rupert Russell (son of the late Ken) - from the Amsterdam Documentary International Film Festival [Read More...]

The third installment of the Neurosex series takes you on a journey of consensual and indefinable sex through a non-coercive lens, and it's also teeming with harrowing sexuality - from Fringe! [Read More...]

The Lure (Córki Dancingu)
Fantastic blend of splatter and musical about partying and murderous mermaids in communist Poland with a delicious '80s synth-pop soundtrack is released just in time for Halloween! [Read More...]

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