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Tag: Churchill

Cinema is Brexit’s BFF


Victor Fraga - 15-01-2018

Ever wondered why people support Brexit? Three mainstream films from the past 12 months provide a clue: British cinema is infested with nationalism and anti-German/European resentment [Read More...]

Darkest Hour

Joe Wright

Richard Greenhill - 01-01-2018

War drama about Churchill's rise to power and crucial decision whether collude with the Germans has an spectacularly boring screenplay, plus it's infested with tub-thumping nationalism - on Netflix on Tuesday, August 16th; also available on other platforms [Read More...]


Jonathan Teplitzky

Victor Fraga - 16-06-2017

Film set on the eve of D-Day portrays Churchill as feeble and fainthearted, but not without celebrating an old-fashioned British identity constructed upon military belligerence - out in cinemas [Read More...]