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Truls Rostrup


Norwegian writer based in London

Truls Rostrup lived (and enjoyed film festivals) in Buenos Aires, Tokyo and Taipei. Originally from Norway, he has now been based in London for more than 10 years. He was awakened to the possibilities of cinema by Lars Von Trier’s Europa (1991) at a young age. He has an interest in Scandinavian, Latin American and Far Eastern film.

Other posts by Truls Rostrup
Competent prequel provides fresh blood for the Predator franchise - Dan Trachtenberg's new sci-fi thriller is now available on Disney+ [Read More...]

The Worst Person in the World (Verdens Verste Menneske)
The conclusion to the loose Oslo trilogy is “a romantic comedy for people who do not like romantic comedies”, according to the filmmaker himself - on Mubi in March; also available on other platforms [Read More...]

American Girl
Teen is caught between two cultures, a family tragedy, and the Sars epidemic - Taiwanese-American feature debut shows at the Taipei Golden Horse Festival [Read More...]

La Veronica
Chilean director takes a very dark look behind the facade of a manipulative social media celebrity - from the Taipei Film Festival [Read More...]

Brotherhood (Bratstvo)
Based on the memoirs of a war-veteran-turned-spy, Russian film paints a graphic, vivid and harrowing portrait of the War in Afghanistan - from the Russian Film Festival [Read More...]

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