Three school leavers find their dreams and friendship challenged by adulthood in Karin Heberlein’s engaging coming-of-age drama - watch it online for free in December only with ArteKino [Read More...]
Independent Canadian filmmakers Madeleine Sims-Fewer and Dusty Mancinelli talk about their debut feature Violation, drawing from their own experience of abuse and why they take no pride in being filmmakers, in an exclusive interview. [Read More...]
Psychological-drama sees a teen and her mother stranded on the outskirts of a remote village in Northern England, in a meticulous and thoughtful representation of trauma – out now on VoD. [Read More...]
New Orleans cop investigates the murder of renowned astrophysicist, in unconventional police procedural reflecting on trauma, memory and repression - now available on VoD [Read More...]
Revisiting the Korean towering inferno: follow-up doc to Two Doors, has survivors of the Yongsan tragedy released from prison to tell their side of the story and grapple with the resulting emotional and psychological problems – from the London Korean Film Festival [Read More...]