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Tag: Romanian

The Whistlers (La Gomera)

Corneliu Porumboiu

Victor Fraga - 25-05-2019

Criminals use ancestral whistling language from the Canary Islands in order to communicate with each other, in extremely jumbled up thriller set between Bucharest and Spain - on Netflix from December [Read More...]

Scarred Hearts (Inimi Cicatrizate)

Radu Jude

Alasdair Bayman - 13-12-2017

Heavy-hearted Romanian drama about man succumbing to TB during Interwar period reflects on our vulnerability, mortality and triggers of the intellect - watch it now with ArteKino [Read More...]

Graduation (Bacalaureat)

Christian Mungiu

Maysa Monção - 27-03-2017

Overcoming endemic corruption is a mammoth task for Romanians; the consequences for individuals striving to make a living are extremely toxic - in new film by the director of 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days [Read More...]